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News of World Medicine
Spanish scientists have developed a vaccine, which makes AIDS a nonhazardous infection

Spanish scientists have tested vaccine MVA-B and found out, that it initiated an immune response to AIDS in 92% of all cases. According to the results of preliminary investigations, owing to this vaccine the organism begins to distinguish AIDS.


Scientists of the Oncology Institute (Great Britain) inform that they have succeeded in finding medication against so called mixed lineage leukemia (MLL).


Blood vessel occlusion includes compensatory mechanism: the organism starts formation of new vessels avoiding the old ones. This process can be accelerated by suppression the work of one of microregulatory RNAs, which disallows cell division.


Marshall University researchers (the USA) have found out that the risk of breast cancer dropped significantly in mice when their regular diet included a modest amount of walnuts.


A study carried out by Chinese scientists has proved that high blood pressure could be caused by cytomegalovirus.


Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new preparation for treatment of virulent type of skin cancer.

Fructose can cause heart diseases and diabetes

Specialists from University of California at Davis (USA) have found out a significant increase of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in blood of those people who during 2 weeks did not limit their consumption of food rich in fructose, receiving in such a way 25% of their daily norm of calories.


Specialists of the University of Barcelona and The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) have established that some substances present in grapes help in protection of skin cells against ultraviolet (UV) radiation of the sun.


Popular recreational narcotic ecstasy (MDMA) may become the basis for a new type of medicines for treatment of oncological blood diseases.Previous investigations have shown that "ecstasy" kills some tumor cells. Now a group of scientists have managed to increase this anti-tumor effectiveness of MDMA combinations 100-folds.


The study, which has been conducted with participation of more than 5,500 Americans, showed that MRSA bacteria were found by 50% less frequently in noses of those people who like tea and coffee.