ananta medicare
News of World Medicine
The most expensive medicine in the world has been launched on the market

A new remedy Zolgensma by Novartis Company is designed to replace long-term therapy for children with spinal muscular atrophy. The remedy is intended for a single use. Clinical trials that involved 36 children aged 2 weeks to 8 months have shown the effectiveness of such approach. The children demonstrated the acceleration of the development of motor skills (they better held their heads and sat). It should be reminded that spinal muscular atrophy often causes paralysis, breathing problems and death in the first months of a child’s life.

Neurologists advise to refuse popular remedies for gastrointestinal tract disorders

Elderly people taking proton pump inhibitors, which are usually prescribed for the treatment of acid-related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, are at high risk of developing dementia. This is indicated by recent studies described in the Pharmaceutical Journal.

Experts advance in the development of first vaccine against streptococcus

A group of scientists from Britain and Australia are researching bacteria causing scarlet fever. According to the scientists, they are quite ready to start work on a vaccine, The Sydney Morning Herald reports. We are talking about group A streptococcus. This pathogen being one of the most deadly bacteria causes not only scarlet fever.

Suddenly, anti-allergy medicine turned out to be a remedy for cancer

According to "Vesti", glioblastoma is one of the most common and deadly types of brain cancer in adults.

Scientists have made a step towards getting a vaccine against all types of flu

Scientists from the United States (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) are carrying out clinical trials of the universal flu vaccine. They have evaluated its safety and ability to stimulate the immune response in healthy volunteers, Xinhua reports.

Scientists have managed to grow artificial pancreatic cells

Medicine School of Washington University has presented the results of its latest work - scientists succeeded in turning stem cells into beta cells that produce insulin

Scientists have presented a new, safer alternative for statins.

According to The Daily Mail, the developers propose to reduce cholesterol levels by using bempedoic acid.

Ultrasound has become a real help for arthritis.

American scientists from the General Electric Research Center have made an unexpected discovery

Neurologists have tested a unique method of brain rejuvenation

A bone marrow transplant taken from a young donor can have an amazing effect on an aging body. The bone marrow of a healthy young mouse was transplanted to old mice.

An effective alternative to insulin injections has been presented.

Insulin delivery capsule is an alternative to injections!