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If you have hypertension…

What is “hypertension” and what are its consequences?

High pressure (hypertension, arterial hypertension) is a chronic disease that is characterized by permanent, and in early stages – periodical, increase of blood pressure.

The basis of hypertension is increased tension of the walls of all small arteries, resulting in narrowing of their lumens, which makes blood flow along the vessels complicated. At the same time blood pressure on vessel walls increases.

High pressure develops slowly; it starts with periodical headaches and palpitation; the pressure becomes unstable. Then there develops numbness of fingers and toes, rush of blood to the head, disturbed sleep, "dot"-flickering in front of the eyes, and rapid fatigue; increase of the pressure becomes stable, by that time sclerotic changes occur in vessels. This stage lasts for several years.

In case of further development there may occur cardiac or renal insufficiency, stroke, infraction and other serious complications.

  Classification of hypertension into degrees

 Cardiologists from the whole world meet annually at symposium on arterial hypertension. At such congress in 2003 they agreed to adopt the following classification of hypertension according its degrees:

  1. Mild degree. Arterial pressure is within 140—159/90—99 mm Hg.

  2. Second degree or moderate one. Arterial pressure is within 160—179/100—109 mm Hg.

  3. Sever or third degree of hypertension. Arterial blood pressure is over 180/110 mm Hg.

  Medicinal treatment of hypertension

Which medicinal preparations are usually used for treatment of essential hypertension? On the assumption of the fact that the main goal of the treatment is to maintain of arterial pressure at optimal for this particular patient level, antihypertensive preparations are used for treatment of essential hypertension, i.e. preparations that decrease arterial pressure. For treatment of high arterial pressure, doctors use antihypertensive preparations of different groups.

One of most effective and safe groups is inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), such as preparation Cardipril®. Cardipril® contains an active substance ramipril, which inhibits angiotensin І turning into angiotensin ІІ, having a powerful vasoconstrictive action. Owing to it, vessel tone decreases and arterial pressure also decreases.

Cardipril®, in addition to effective decrease of arterial pressure, has a protective action on the heart and kidneys, normalizes cardiac rhythm, inhibits development atherosclerotic changes of vessel walls, and decreases the risk of development of diabetes mellitus and its complications.

High effectiveness of Cardipril® is combined with low frequency of side effects, due to which Cardipril® is an optimal medicinal preparation for treatment of high arterial pressure.

   Recommendations hypertension patients as for changing their life style

Treatment of arterial hypertension should be a complex one, i.e. it should include not only medicinal therapy, but also optimal conditions of work and rest. The treatment of arterial hypertension will be also more effective, if causative risk factors (smoking, alcohol abuse, irrational diet, etc.), are decreased.

In order to fight the disease successfully, hypertension patients should follow the rules listed below:



  • Eat salty, spicy, fatty food.

  • Gain excessive body weight.

  • Abuse alcohol; especially combine alcohol consumption and administration of medicinal preparations.

  • Work at night, sleep less than 7 hours.

  • Be nervous on trifles.

  • Have sedentary life style.

  • Smoke.

  • Miss or discontinue intake of medicinal preparations, which were indicated by your doctor.


  • Limit salt consumption.

  • Eat more greens, fruit, products rich in potassium and magnesium.

  • Try to lose excessive body weight.

  • Enjoy your life; do not be obsessed with troubles.

  • Move more.

  • Give up smoking.

  • Take your arterial pressure on a regular basis.

  • Follow all recommendations given by your doctor.

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