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Headache. How to keep it in check?

It is considered that everybody has headache at least once during his life. It is headache that is most frequent patient’s complaint heard by the doctors of any specialty. Headache may be a symptom of another disease or independent problem. Most frequent form of headache is the headache of tension.

 How to distinguish headache of tension?

Headache of tension frequently appears from both sides in the region of forehead, occiput, as well as in parietal region. It can be described as constricting pain caused by too tight hat or constricting band or as a feeling of squeezing in the crown of the head. The attack may last from half an hour to several days, but more often for several hours.

Of course, only doctor can diagnose the case correctly. But one can suspect a headache of tension when he has at least two of the following four symptoms:

  • pain from both sides of the head (bilateral pain);
  • permanent, dull or constricting pain;
  • mild pain or pain of moderate intensity;
  • pain does not increase in case of usual physical load.

  Is it possible to help yourself without medications?

If the headache is caused by emotional overload, methods to fight the stress, such as relaxation, may be useful.

Sometimes the development of headache is caused by the fail postural pose. For example, when one’s work requires holding his head in inconvenient position for a long time. In such case В таком случае полезны ergonomic changes of the working place or frequent postural changes — one should stand up and stretch oneself, are useful.

If the headache is caused by spasms, tension of head or neck muscles, physical methods of treatment, such as topical applications of heat or cold, rolls under neck, can be helpful. Physical therapy, massage, and acupuncture are also used. Rational diet, good sleep and physical exercises also will do you good.

 What medications help against headache of tension?

The attack of headache of tension can be relieved with acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium and ketoprofen.

But the attempts to overcome headache of tension only with the use of analgetics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not always turn to be successful. Combined preparations, which influence several links of the development of headache of tension, are more effective.

Combined preparation Spasgo (Ananta Medicare, Great Britain) is effective in rapid relief of symptoms. One tablet of Spasgo is usually enough to eliminate the attack. Spasgo contains 500 mg of paracetamol and 20 mg of dicyclomine hydrochloride in one tablet. Paracetamol has analgetic action, and dicyclomine has antispasmodic effect.Owing to the combination of these components, analgetic effect increases.

 Is there a universal remedy for headache?

Unfortunately, there is no such a remedy. Some use tablets as the thing that helps, other — a cup of coffee or a glass of cognac. But the result is sometimes unpredictable: it may become better, but it also may become worse. That is why the best piece of advice is to undergo meticulous medical examination. The fact is that self-treatment provides relief until a certain time, and to solve the serious problem one needs doctors’ help.

 In what cases one should not take a laissez-faire attitude towards the problem?

  • When headache is accompanied with weakness, numbness of any parts of the body, sight disturbance or/and memory blocks
  • If the intensity, duration and frequency of headache attacks gradually increase
  • If suddenly the pain becomes unbearable
  • When the pain appears after head contusion
  • If the pain is accompanied with high body temperature, shortness of breath, dry mouth or/and nausea. 
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