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Folk wisdom about nutrition

Folk wisdom about nutrition

Healthy nutrition is a nutrition that ensures the growth, normal development and vital activity of a person. This contributes to strengthening and maintaining health, as well as preventing diseases. A lot of things has been said and written on this topic, but each puts its meaning in this concept. Let’s turn to the fount of folk wisdom and read what the proverbs say on this subject.

            «You need to eat to live, but not live to eat»

            Perhaps, it is one of the most famous sayings about food. This Socrates’s saying is relevant at all times. Especially today, when the food culture has evolved so much and the variety of food has multiplied. Various types of "fast food", convenience foods, refined products, taste modifiers and other have also fostered. Of course, it is tasty, but far from useful. It is a fact that frequent overeating has a negative effect on the digestive processes and the state of the whole body. We must remember that everything is good within reasonable limits.

«Do not put everything in the mouth what your eyes see»

This is one more proverb that reminds us of food selectivity. After all, you probably noticed that when you eat some products or dish, you feel lightness and comfort, but when you eat others you feel heaviness in the stomach and abdominal bloating. A method of food preparation is also important because boiled and baked food is better absorbed than fried or smoked food. The diet of each person is different, so the same product can cause a laxative effect or constipation. Pay attention to your well-being after a meal and make a food choice wisely. As a result the food will not only be a source of energy, but also a guarantee of vigour and well-being.

«Your stomach is not a bag, so do not eat in reserve»

This proverb reminds people that they are not camels. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of meals at once. The only thing that can be achieved in this case is the stomach stretching. In addition, overeating requires the enhancement of enzymatic activity – producing more pancreatic enzymes and bile. This is a certain load on the digestive tract. Constant overeating contributes to constipation.

«Do not swallow before you chew up and do not chat before you think»

About the second part of the saying, make a conclusion by yourself, but at the expense of "do not swallow, before you chew up", – there is nothing to add. As you know, food should be chewed up thoroughly. After all, a meal is not only crushed when you chew it, it is also processed by enzymes contained in saliva. This facilitates its further absorption. Poorly chewed food can remain in the digestive tract for a long time. It impairs digestive activity and causes the development of constipation.

«No problems if you drink water»

The human body depending on weight and age contains 50% to 75% of water. Loss of more than 10% of water can cause death. Therefore, daily water intake of about 1.5-2 litres is the key to your well-being and normal organs and systems functioning. Chronic water deficiency can affect skin condition, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Chronic lack of water can cause bowel problems and the development of constipation.

« The health is in every house where vegetables are on the table»

«Dinner without vegetables just like a celebration without music»

These two proverbs tell us about the importance of natural ingredients for the human daily diet. Vegetables are rich in natural dietary fibres and easily digested by nutrients, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. I would like to tell you more about dietary fibres, because they are indispensable for a healthy nutrition. They help to improve the bowels, remove toxins and prevent the development of constipation.

Sources of dietary fibres are grain products, legumes, vegetables and fruits. They are not found in animal food, such as fish, meat, milk and eggs. Dietary fibre is a large group of substances: starch, lignin, cellulose, gum, mucus, pectic substances, etc.

A healthy diet requires the mandatory presence of dietary fibres. According to the recommendations of experts, the daily consumption rate of dietary fibre for an adult is:

14 g of dietary fibres per 1000 kcal, that is equal to:

38 grams per day for men

25 grams per day for women

15-20 grams per day for school-age children.

In the realities of everyday life, the average person consumes about half of the recommended norm. And this is not surprising, because if you display these figures in the form of products, it turns out that you need to eat 11 plates of vegetable salad a day. May be only a vegetarian can do that.

Cellulose is the most popular known dietary fibre. It is included in the structure of most plants, and is a carbohydrate that is not digested in the human body. Despite the fact that cellulose is practically not absorbed by the body, it plays an important role in digestion. Cellulose content in plants varies significantly and depends on the type and method of cultivation, and in the finished food products it depends on specific production technologies. Food products, which are the richest in fibre, are bran (in fact, it is a hard coat of grain), flaxseed and whole grain cereals (i.e., barley, buckwheat and oats).

Bran is a rather coarse dietary fibre, due to its natural coarse grinding structure. Therefore, they can exacerbate the inflammations caused by lesions of the digestive organs, which require a gentle treatment of mucous membranes (i.e., colitis, gastritis, diverticulitis, etc.).

Unlike bran, there are softer fibres. The dietary fibres with an enveloping effect, such as psyllium seed husk, are the most valuable.

«If the stomach spoils your stool, you should eat plantain like a mule»

Plantain has been used in many medicines due to its properties since ancient times. There are more than 150 species of plants in plantaginaceae family. They distributed across the globe, although many of them are considered as weeds. Plantago major and Plantago lanceolata L. are commonly used in Ukraine.

Fresh leaf juice water extract is used to attenuate sputum and remove it when you cough. The use of water extract and plantain fresh leaf juice contributes to the rapid cleansing and healing of wounds. Plantain leaf extract has haemostatic, wound healing and bacteriostatic effects. Fresh leaf juice is effective for chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with normal or low acidity of gastric juice.

Plantago ovate (a synonym for Indian plantain) is a very interesting type of plantain. This small herbaceous annual plant is distinguished by the seeds’ appearance: they are not dark brown, but flesh-pink colour with a purple stripe in hilum. India is its homeland that is why it has long been using in the formulations of Indian medicine. Climatic conditions of growth of this type of plantain are very harsh. The tropical climate permanently changes from steady winds to the rainy season. Only plants that keep a sufficient amount of nutrients and actively bind excess water can survive in such conditions. Plantago ovate also keeps the amount of nutrients in the seeds and that is why it differs from other plant species. It contains up to 40% of polysaccharides (dietary fibre), while other species contain 4 times less nutrients.


Plantain seeds are used when the "stomach spoils your stool". The seed’s husk is included in the composition of modern remedy Fibolex designed for the normalization of the intestinal functioning. Please note that this is not an ordinary chemical laxative, but a natural-based remedy that normalizes the intestinal functioning and fills the diet with dietary fibres.


For the production of Fibolex, Plantago ovate is grown in its natural habitat in India (homeland). Due to this, seed husk is able to attract water 40 times their own weight and exerts beneficial effects on the human body. It contributes to normalize the intestinal functioning, stimulate peristalsis and relieve constipation, eliminate toxic substances from the body, and improve the intestinal microflora.

In addition to psyllium seed husk, Fibolex contains natural wheat fibres and green tea extract. Wheat fibres are a source of cellulose, which stimulates the intestinal motor activity. Green tea extract has antioxidant and tonic effects on the body.

Fibolex is not an ordinary laxative. This is a natural remedy for the intestinal functioning normalization. Fibolex is just like a sip of water!

Fibolex is very easy and convenient to use: 1 sachet 2-3 times a day. The content of sachet should be diluted in a glass of water until uniformity and drink, then, if possible, drink another glass of water. Do not take Fibolex before going to bed. The recommended duration of use is 7-14 days.

The nature itself helps your body when you take Fibolex!

Food supplement is not a medical preparation. If necessary, you should consult your doctor. Before use, read the instructions.


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