Only a drop of blood is required for a new test detecting 30-40 biomarkers of the disease. Results can be received within 24 hours. This method will change the diagnosis of bowel cancer. As The Daily Mail notes, some patients will not be subjected to unpleasant and dangerous colonoscopy any more.
Researchers from Georgetown University say that drugs suppressing the growth of cancer tumors also affect blood pressure. These are fibroblast growth factor inhibitors involved in angiogenesis (new blood vessels formation).
Scientists have identified more than 100 genes acting as risk factors for severe allergic reactions, hay fever, eczema and asthma, Zee News reports. Earlier, it has been already established that these ailments have a single genetic basis. However, geneticists did not know where the problem genes affecting the functioning of the immune system exactly were.
Previous studies have shown that proton pump inhibitors, which are usually prescribed for heartburn and other acid-related diseases, increase the risk of developing dementia. But now experts have disproved this. According to The Deccan Chronicle, the researchers have analyzed the data of 3484 adults aged 65 and over.
The developers have reported on the successful completion of Myrcludex B interim tests. Myrcludex B is a drug intended to patients with chronic hepatitis B (delta agent). As "Remedium" notes, the drug has been tested on 120 patients for 24 weeks. During that time the volunteers had no serious side effects. This proves the safety of the therapy.
Glatiramer acetate is a medicinal product, used to treat multiple sclerosis for 20 years. It turns out that it is able to cope with antibiotic resistant bacteria. As Zee News notes, experts say that the drug is safe and has no serious side effects.
A new study, carried out by scientists from the United States, involved 365 people suffering from pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The tumor could be removed surgically. The researchers have found that the life expectancy of patients depends on changes in the four genes, The Indian Express reports.
A group of scientists has created a new gene therapy designed to help patients who lost their vision due to a hereditary disease - Leber congenital amberosis. The therapy can restore vision to the point where a person can navigate in a maze in dim light, The Deccan Chronicle reports.
As The Daily Mail notes, the risk of another heart attack, stroke and premature death is reduced by approximately 25% in people taking statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) after a stroke or heart attack. A new study carried out by scientists from the United States has made such conclusions.
A brand new brain implant has been designed by experts from the University of Southern California. It stimulates the brain region associated with learning ability and memory. Thanks to the implant, experiment participants began to cope with the task for memory much better, The Daily Mail reports.