ananta medicare
The male population first moved beyond the femaleThe male population first moved beyond the female

In some European countries the number of men with regard to the number of women increases. The cause of this fact still cannot be explained by the experts as it has never happen before.

Experts recommend to abandon the standard office furniture.

Occupational hygiene specialists claim that the renunciation of usual office desks to high desks will help to preserve the health of employees as well as increase the productivity of labour.

Experts have told how to overcome the global threat - supergerms

Scientists have made an unfavorable forecast: if we don’t change the situation with the use of antibiotics immediately then by 2050 supergerms will kill a person every three seconds. Thus, in the near future we can expect the aggravation of the situation with the treatment of resistant infections of bacterial nature.

For the first time an experimental treatment has defeated HIV

For the first time molecular biologists and geneticists using CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing technique could successfully cut a DNA fragment belonging to HIV, from the genome of infected animals.

Sesame seeds reduce the level of oxidative stress

Specialists of the State University of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) recommend to treat the diet with plenty of foods with sesame. It turns out that these seeds and products made from these seeds, help the human body to fight an oxidative stress. Sesame oil is very useful.

Systematic walks and ride a bike can help you to reduce the risk of cancer

Systematic walks and ride a bike can help you to reduce the risk of cancer

The difference between women’s and men’s brain has been defined

An international team of scientists from Israel, Germany, Switzerland and the United States has conducted MRI investigation of the brain in 1400 men and women. Experts tried to find out if there are gender differences in the brain, and what sex has more developed logical thinking, and critical.

What kind of vitamins residents of cities should intake?

Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, can protect organism from bad molecules

The best age for the childbirth is determined

The scientists of Zurich University claim that they have found an ideal age for childbirth. It has appeared that the age of 25 is an optimum age for the woman to give birth.

ANANTA MEDICARE LTD. has obtained the Certificate of the state registration of some products in Moldova

We are glad to announce that on March 28, 2016 ANANTA MEDICARE LTD obtained the Certificate of the state registration in Moldova for the food supplement ANANTAVATI, tablets No. 30 (India). It will allow to sell this product on the territory of Moldova