ananta medicare
A revolutionary test determines the state of the brain in a few minutes

The developers of DRD Company from the Republic of Buryatia and nine other residents of Skolkovo Foundation have presented finished express tests at the TechCrunch Innovation Fair in New York. These tests can demonstrate the ischemic stroke risks and diagnose brain damages. According to RIA News, the test is smaller than the palm of your hand. By the blood taken from the finger this "little thing" can determine the biomarkers of brain damage.

The experimental method will stop pain and inflammation once and for all

Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences have found unique proteins in the venom of sea polyps-actinia. These proteins inhibit pain receptors and relieve inflammation.

Unique contact lenses solve all problems in case of damaged eyes

Developers have designed therapeutic contact lenses. The lenses are designed to prevent eye burns consequences and the development of infections.

A simple test will tell whether a woman has a stroke risk

Scientists from the Harvard Medical School have studied blood samples of 473 women who had ischemic stroke and 473 women who had no stroke at all. The study has shown that the risk of stroke was increased in women with high levels of a certain protein in the blood, The Daily Mail reports.

Hormones control may save people from vision loss

A local suppression of thyroid hormone (thyroid hormone) receptor activity in the retina is an unexpected solution that allows to protect the retina from degenerative diseases. According to, the suppression makes it possible to save photoreceptor cells. These cells can be found in the back of the eye. They are responsible for light stimulation and sensitivity to light.

A unique spray will deliver the medicine directly to the brain

Specialists have designed a nasal spray to deliver medicinal preparations to the brain. It successfully passes through the blood-brain barrier. The spray is not dangerous for healthy tissues. The scientists say that the spray can be used in the treatment of various diseases, for example, brain cancer, "Dni24" reports.

Supplements with magnesium can prevent fractures

Scientists from the University of Bristol and the University of Eastern Finland recommend middle-aged men to include supplements with magnesium in the diet. This will help to reduce the risk of fractures in old age. The study involved 2,245 middle-aged men. The volunteers were monitored for 20 years, Newsmax writes.


The scientists of the University of Swansea have developed a bandage that monitors a wound’s state and sends reports to the doctor. Scientists hope that clinical trials will be carried out in the near future. The bandages will be printed on a three-dimensional printer, Deccan Chronicle reports.

Scientists have revealed a protein that can increase the effectiveness of vaccines

Researchers from Boston University believe that PorB protein from the outer membrane of meningococci can make vaccinations more effective and protect people from diseases such as cancer. Vaccines effect on either the production of antibodies or on cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, which can destroy foreign cells. PorB does both, reports.

A remedy for asthmatics may prevent skin problems

Omalizumab, a drug that is commonly used to treat asthma, can help the people who have itchy blisters on their skin due to cold or rubbing. This was discovered by scientists from Charité University Clinic. The scientists have carried out two clinical studies, Zee News reports.