ananta medicare
Researchers have found out the reason for a rare neurologic syndrome

Scientists from Liverpool University have found mutations associated with dystonia. This is a rare syndrome in which a constant or spasmodic contraction of muscles occurs. It is inherited or may be a consequence of an injury. The syndrome affects different parts of the body, reports.

Scientists have figured out how to treat certain brain cells

Researchers have developed a new way of delivery of medicines directly to certain neurons in the brain. As Eurek Alert notes, it is both method of studying neuronal connections, and method of treatment of various diseases. Usually medicines affect all types of neurons. But there is a risk of some side effects in case when it is necessary to affect only one type of cells. DART is a new method. It was designed by scientists from Duke University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Omega-3 is an effective remedy for type 1 diabetes

Omega-3 fatty acids can reverse the development of type 1 diabetes or improve the condition with an already diagnosed disease, Science World Report reports referring to the work of Guangdong University of Technology.

Discovery: gluten intolerance is the result of virus infection

Gluten intolerance (Celiac disease) is a dangerous disease. Until recently, people with this disease had no hope of salvation. They had to monitor the diet constantly, excluding any products with gluten. But, according to The Daily Mail, scientists from the University of Chicago are close to creation of a new vaccine. In their opinion, the disease is caused by a virus, but not problems in the genome.

Experts warn that medications for heartburn can cause colitis.

Scientists have analyzed data from 16 studies involving more than 7703 people infected with Clostridium difficile. This is the main causative agent of pseudomembranous colitis – a disease which symptoms are diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, nausea and abdominal pain. About 50% of volunteers took medications for heartburn, Zee News reported.

A vitamins intake protects the body from air pollution effect

According to The Daily Mail, scientists from Columbia and Harvard Universities say that townspeople should take B vitamins. This compensates for the damage caused to the body by pollutants. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 92% of the world's population lives in areas where the pollution level exceeds the norm.

Doctors warn that a tick season has already started

Experts emphasize that both mushroom pickers and townspeople strolling in parks should be very vigilant. Ticks are often found after walking through parks and forest parks.

 Hepatitis increases the risk of Parkinson's disease

According to Zee News, people infected with the hepatitis B or C virus are prone to Parkinson's disease. This was shown by a new study conducted by specialists from Oxford University. The scientists have analyzed data from people with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, autoimmune hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis and HIV for 1999-2011.

Researchers found more about migraine

Scientists from the University of Michigan have found that dopamine falls and fluctuates during a migraine attack. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates emotions, motivation and sensory perception. Perhaps the specialists’ discovery will lead to the development of new methods in migraine treatment, reports.

It proved that general anesthesia is harmful to the brain

Surgical interventions that involve prolonged use of anesthesia may cause unpleasant consequences. According to The Daily Mail, some brain damages were observed in patients under general anesthesia. And their effect persists for up to five days. British scientists have tested the effect produced by oxygen starvation (the result of anesthesia and insufficient oxygen supply during surgery).