ananta medicare


V.P. Stus, N.N. Moiseenko, Yu.L. Shevchenko, L.A. Lisitskaya, S.T. Guzman, A.S. Panchenko

SI «Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine»

Introduction. The proportion of urolithiasis in the structure of the incidence is 10-15% in the world and 5-9% in Europe. In the USA 13% of men and 7% of women suffer from urolithiasis [2]. In Ukraine, the incidence of urolithiasis in the structure of urological diseases is 27.4% to 32.7% [7, 8]. Every year the number of patients increases. Most working-age men and women (30–50 years) have a tendency to this disease.

Urolithiasis is endemic. Here is a list of regions where urolithiasis is most common: Asia Minor with Arabian Peninsula, southern and eastern regions of Asia, India, China (southern regions), Indonesia, North Australia, Northeastern Africa, southern regions of North America, east and west coasts of Southern America, Scandinavia , The Netherlands, Southeastern France, the southern regions of Spain, Italy, the southern regions of Germany and Austria, Balkan Peninsula, the Altai Territory, Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions). In each endemic region, there are localities where the incidence is highest (i.e. Solonyansky region of Dnipropetrovsk oblast) [3].

The composition of stones is different in different endemic regions. In India, more than 80% of the stones consist of calcium oxalate; in Sudan, oxalates are about 75% of the stones; in Iraq, calcium oxalates are only 2-3%; in Israel - 5%. Many countries (Norway, USA,
Israel, Iraq, Austria, Sweden) have a large percentage of mixed calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones (50- 60%). Struvites (magnesium phosphates - ammonium) are common in Belarus - 28%, England - 20%, Belgium - 15%, USA - 15%. Uric acid stones are more common in Iraq - 40%, Belarus - 30%, Jordan - 30%, Israel - 28%, Austria, France - 23%. Cystic stones are rarely found, 1-2% of all stones (Belgium, USA). Pure phosphates were most common in Belgium - 21%, England, Austria, Sudan - 8-9% (Fig. 1). But considering the different number of stones studied in different countries of the world (USA - 10,000 stones, Sudan - 32 stones), the incidence of different composition of stones may be different [3].


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