S.G. Burchinskiy
SI “D. F. Chebotarev Institute of Gerontology NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv
The problem of stress and stress-related diseases is one of the leading problems in modern medicine.
The pathological influence of long-term chronic psycho-emotional stress, which is at the basis of the formation of various "civilization diseases", among which neuroses and psychosomatic pathologies take the leading place, becomes especially relevant. One of the most important symptoms accompanying the mentioned pathological conditions is sleep disturbance [1, 2, 46-52].
According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders 2005 (ICSD-2) [2], there are 6 types of sleep disorders, such as insomnia, sleep apnea, hypersomnias, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, parasomnias and sleep-related movement disorders. At the same time, in routine medical practice, when it comes to sleep disorders, first of all, insomnia is considered.
Insomnia is a clinical syndrome characterized by the presence of disturbances in the initiation, duration, consolidation or quality of sleep, which develop despite a sufficient amount of time and conditions for sleep and manifested by various disturbances in daytime activities.
Insomnia is 1.5 times more common in women than in men. In elderly over 75 years of age, the incidence of insomnia is doubled compared to middle-aged people. Sleep disorders are most often identified in people with low education and socioeconomic status, unemployed people or those who work on a variable schedule. Due to comorbid disorders, mental illnesses or chronic pain syndrome, sleep is disturbed in 50-75% of cases. 40% of patients with insomnia have one or more mental disorders, compared to 16% of people without sleep disorders [46-53].
Sleep disorder symptoms are as follows:
• fatigue, impaired concentration or memorization of information;
• social dysfunction, mood disorder, irritability, daytime sleepiness, low motivation and initiative, tendency to make mistakes at work or when driving vehicles;
• muscle tension, headache, gastrointestinal disorders and concern about sleep [1, 49,50].
Sleep is a special genetically determined state of the body, characterized by a regular sequential change of certain polygraphic patterns in the form of cycles, phases, and stages.