ananta medicare
Our new products


A significant event in cardiology, the XI National Congress of Cardiologists of Ukraine, took place on September 28-30, 2010 in Kiev.

The program of the congress was really full of content. Leading specialists discussed urgent problems of cardiology:

  • acute myocardial infarction and issues of rehabilitation
  • clinical pharmacology and rational pharmacotherapy in cardiology
  • arterial hypertension
  • intervention technologies in diseases of cardiovascular system
  • atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease
  • metabolic syndrome, diabetes and  cardiovascular diseases
  • chronic cardiac insufficiency
  • non-coronary heart diseases
  • cardiac rhythm disturbance
  • cardiac surgery
  • practical aspects of urgent help in cardiology
  • functional diagnostics, echocardiography and cardiac imaging
  • epidemiological, medical and social aspects of cardiology. 

Within the congress, the company Ananta Medicare took part in the pharmaceutical exhibition, where it presented a new preparation that soon will be available in pharmaceutical market of Ukraine – Azi-Ator, as well as Company’s preparations –Cardipril(ramipril), Flamogrel (clopidogrel), and Lipitin А (atorvastatin).

The preparation Azi-Ator contains two active substances: atorvastatin and ezetimib (the agent that selectively inhibits cholesterol absorption in the intestine). Hypolipidemic effectiveness of the combination of atorvastatin 10 mg and ezetimib 10 mg is similar to those of atorvastatin in the dose of 80 mg. in numerous clinical studies it was proved that the therapy with ezetimib in combination with atorvastatin is well tolerated by patients; its safety is comparable to that of monotherapy with atorvastatin.

All employees of the company Ananta Medicare are sure, that the appearance of most modern and highly efficient hypolipidemic agent – Azi-Ator preparation – in doctor’s arsenal will help to improve significantly the quality of treatment and quality of life of patients with cardiovascular diseases. 

Azi-Ator – victory over atherosclerosis!