ananta medicare
News of World Medicine

SoberСonsumption of Alcohol Decrease the Risk of Death by Alzheimer's disease by 77%

The scientists suppose that consumption of two small wineglasses a day can decrease the risk of death by Alzheimer's disease.

The research has shown that people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and drink alcohol in moderate doses - between 3 and 4,5 unit of alcohol - had 77% less risk of death in comparison with those who drink 1 unit or less. In total two small wineglasses consist of 3,2 units and two glasses of beer - 4,6 units.

The research workers headed by scientists from the Copenhagen University Hospital have been investigated 321 volunteers who suffer from Alzheimer's disease for 3 years.

They have revealed that 8% of patients have not drunk alcohol at all, and 4% have drunk more than 4,5 units a day. Approximately 1 from 6 participators (17%) has drunk from 3 to 4,5 units a day. For the period of this experiment 16,5% of patients have died. The research results have shown 77% of decreasing a death risk for those people who soberly drunk alcohol. Besides there were not discovered any gender, age or other differences in the research.

However experts warn that it is necessary to carry out some additional researches to confirm with full confidence about the profit of control drinking for those who have the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

Adapted from Eurolab