ananta medicare
News of World Medicine

Scientists have developed a new type of statins, which decrease the risk of development of heart attacks and strokes

Scientists from Swedish pharmaceutical firm Karo Bio have developed a new type of statins, which may decrease the risk of development of heart attacks and strokes without any side effects.

Hypolipidemic preparation Eprotirome decreases rapidly the level of cholesterol as well as other dangerous fats in blood both in men and women. The study of the preparation conducted on 168 patients demonstrated that in three months after initiation of its administration, the quantity of cholesterol, which "choking up" the arteries, is reduced by one third. It should be noted that the new development preparation acts effectively even in those patients, whom usual statins are not able to help.

The most important peculiarity of the preparation, which copies the action of thyroid hormones, according to the developers is the absence of side effects associated with statins. In particular, a person receiving Eprotirome experience no problems with muscles or liver, the patient does not develop depression or lose libido, or suffer from disturbed sleep. 

It is expected that Eprotirome will become available in the market in a few years. By the way, it has been proved recently, that statins increase the risk of diabetes development by 9%. The risk of illness development is still low and cannot overcome protective properties of the preparations, which guard patients against heart problems. 


Adopted from: Kompjulenta