ananta medicare
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The expression "summer punishes those with dirty hands" should be understood literally!

Fresh strawberries, cherries, tons of ice cream, and litres of lemonade. This incomplete list of summer delicacies evokes sincere joy, symbolizing the hottest season of the year. However, during this delightful and sweet period a child's body may face potential troubles, such as food poisoning or intestinal infections.

In the warm season, children consume much more sugar than usual. Ice cream, lemonade, and carbonated sweet water—all contribute to this sugar overload, which can lead to an increase in pathogenic bacteria in the child's intestines. This, in turn, can result in bloating, as well as possible constipation and diarrhea. Often, parents and children forget about basic safety and hygiene, rushing to eat fruits and berries they have recently purchased without considering washing them. However, this haste is not beneficial to health because heat provides a favorable environment for disease-causing bacteria and viruses to multiply. Millions of bacteria that have settled on strawberries or cucumbers from the market have the ability to cause various diseases, primarily bacterial infections such as salmonellosis and viral intestinal infections.

However, the risk of experiencing trouble due to summer pleasures can be easily reduced with the help of simple and accessible measures: carefully monitor the child's hygiene – wash hands before eating and monitor the cleanliness of products. If trouble cannot be avoided, restoring the balance between useful and pathogenic bacteria in the child's body can be aided by Santigen.

SANTIGEN is an effective combination of pre- and probiotic components that not only populate the intestines with useful bacteria, but also create optimal conditions for the restoration of the body's own microflora.

SANTIGEN has a direct antibacterial effect due to the production of bacteriocins, which are special substances capable of destroying the membranes of pathogenic cells. In other words, SANTIGEN exhibits antimicrobial activity.

The composition of SANTIGEN complex contains beneficial bacteria in the form of spores. There are additional advantages and benefits for both doctors and their patients:

  • SANTIGEN and an antibiotic (if prescribed by a doctor) can be taken at the same time and not diluted in time;
  • SANTIGEN takes care of the patient's health, even after the last dose of the sachet, providing an additional "bonus week". By remaining in the body, SANTIGEN prevents the development of diarrhea.

SANTIGEN stimulates the production of Ig-A, which helps strengthen immunity.


The contents of the sachet must be dissolved in a sufficient amount of water (20-100 ml per sachet) and ingested regardless of meals.

Dosage: Santigen is recommended for adults and children over 3 years of age.

Adults and children over 12 years of age: it is recommended to take 1 sachet 3-4 times a day.

Children from 6 to 12 years old: it is recommended to take 1 sachet twice daily.

Children from 3 to 6 years old: it is recommended to take 1 sachet once daily.

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