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Advice in case of overeating

What is the reason of overeating?

Very often the problem of overeating appears in the early childhood, when parents make their child to eat this or that piece “for mother and father”, running after him/her with a spoon and inventing a number of diversions to feed their offspring during when playing or watching cartoons. As a result the process of food consumption becomes uncontrolled and automatic. Later with age there develop “harmful habits” as eating food in front of the TV-set or while reading a book. With such frequent uncontrolled snacks a person does not notice the number of consumed calories and, curiously enough, even does not find corresponding pleasure in eating.

 Symptoms of overeating

In medicine the symptoms of overeating are called dyspepsia. This word is derived from Greek words dys (bad) and pepsis (digestion). In case of overeating there disturb the work of upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, appear pains and discomfort in the stomach region, heaviness and abdominal swelling after eating, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, typical signs of dyspepsia include early satiation (feeling, that the stomach is overfilled at once after eating initiation, regardless of the amount of the consumed food), swelling in the stomach region (the feeling of spreading in this region). One of the main reasons of dyspepsia symptom formation is dysfunction of gastric motor activity.

Emergency help in case of overeating - NAUSILIUM®!

NAUSILIUM® is the preparation, which promotes food movement in the gastrointestinal tract, belongs to the group of prokinetics (stimulators of peristalsis). NAUSILIUM® promotes esophageal peristalsis, regulates gastric motor function, increases duodenum peristalsis, and by that very act accelerates stomach release. It leads to significant improvement of general state, pain reduction in the stomach region and dyspeptic disorders. NAUSILIUM® is taken in the dosage 1 tablet 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals and once at bedtime. The preparation is available without a prescription. According to clinical data, NAUSILIUM® is effective in 90% of patients. If after preparation’s intake the symptoms preserve, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist. 

 How to behave after overeating?

  • If at the festive table you have overeaten, the following day do not yield to the temptation to eat the rest of left-over delicacies. Eat more vegetables and fruit, drink more liquid (1-1.5 l a day).
  • Say no to idleness!Not always there is a possibility to find salvation against increased appetite in the gym. That is why do not forget about more available types of training – house work (many calories are spent on work about the house).
  • Scientists have managed to determine the relationship between good mood and hunger. It turns out to be that the mood influences the appetite directly. The better the mood, the weaker the appetite, as the level of serotonin in the organism is higher.

 Consequences of overeating

If overeating becomes a habit, it is the shortest way to metabolic disturbance and diseases. Overeating disturbs digestion and in addition to unpleasant feelings in the stomach and intestine (increased gas-formation, abdominal swelling, eructation, and constipation) it provides additional load to the heart (tachycardia – increased palpitation after meals) and to the liver (general intoxication of the organism associated with poor food digestion). With the lapse of time the risk of development of serious endocrine diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of joints and organs of gastrointestinal tract increases; overeating inevitably lead to obesity.

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